Call for Abstract

International Conference on Global Warming and Natural Disasters, will be organized around the theme “Alarming Signs of Global Warming!! Preventive solutions towards climate catastrophe”

Global Warming Congress 2020 is comprised of 22 tracks and 73 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Global Warming Congress 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Global warming is the defined as gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to change in the Earth’s climate. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events leading to natural calamities and disasters. A dangerous atmospheric deviation, be that as it may, is what might as well be called a nursery with high proficiency intelligent glass introduced the wrong path around.


  • Track 1-1Sea Level rise
  • Track 1-2Acid rain
  • Track 1-3Ozone depletion
  • Track 1-4Carbon Sequestration
  • Track 1-5Global Warming Causes and Effects

Most scientists agree that the planet is in fact experiencing increasing temperatures, and many believe that humans are enhancing this overall warming trend. The likely effects of global warming will not be limited to one country—or even one continent—and will permeate almost every aspect of the environment and of life for all living things. Potential effects listed here are just a handful of those discussed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2007 report .raising sea levels are the most common concern; taking place with a thermal expansion of the oceans—a results of water molecules increasing in warmer temperatures, increased  precipitation, and the melting of mountain glaciers. Because all bodies of water have varying shapes and ocean water tends to “swell” differently depending on its beginning temperature, the modification in sea level isn't uniform over the surface of the Earth. In the twentieth century alone, sea levels rose 0.17 meters predictions for the next century range anywhere from 0.18 to 0.59 meters. While smaller projections would likely have only comparatively modest impacts, the higher projections could have dramatic effects on low-lying coastal communities.


  • Track 2-1Repercussions of Climate change
  • Track 2-2Impact of Climate Change on Marine Environment

Pollution is the presence of a pollutant in the environment and is often the result of human actions. Pollution has a detrimental effect on the environment. Animals, fish and other aquatic life, plants and humans all suffer when pollution is not controlled. In other words, Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that causes harmful and toxic effects to living things. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollution is often classified as point source pollution or non-point source pollution. Noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution too are the damaging the environment at an alarming rate. Things as simple as light, sound and temperature can be considered pollutants when introduced artificially into an environment.

Environmental change is a modification in the accurate movement of atmosphere cases when that change continues for an extended time period. Environmental change may imply an alteration in ordinary atmosphere conditions or in the time assortment of atmosphere around longer-term typical conditions .Environmental change is achieved by components, for instance, biotic systems, assortments in sun situated radiation got by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic launches. Certain human activities have moreover been perceived as noteworthy reasons for late environmental change, regularly alluded to as a worldwide temperature alteration. A related term is "climatic change". In 1966, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) proposed the articulation "climatic change" to wrap a wide range of climatic irregularity on time-scales longer than 10 years, paying little personality to realize. Change was ensured and climatic was used as a distinct word to depict this kind of advance .When it was comprehended that human activities could modify the air, the term environmental change supplanted climatic change as the staggering term to reflect an anthropogenic reason.


  • Track 3-1Extreme Weather and Climate Patterns
  • Track 3-2Planetary Dynamics

Green Energy principally involves natural energetic processes which are able to be controlled with little or no pollution. Anaerobic digestion, energy power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, alternative energy, biomass power, recurrent event power, wave power, and many sorts of nuclear power belongs to the green energy. Some definitions might embody power derived from the combustion of waste. In many countries with enterprise arrangements, electricity merchandising arrangements build it getable for patrons to buy for inexperienced electricity from either their utility or inexperienced power supplier. Once energy is purchased from the electricity network, the power reaching the customer will not primarily be generated from green energy sources. The native utility company, utility, or state power pool buys their electricity from electricity producers World Health Organization might even be generating from fuel, nuclear or renewable energy sources. In many countries green energy presently provides a very little bit of electricity, typically conducive two to five to the pool. Green energy customers either obligates the utility companies to extend the quantity of inexperienced energy that they purchase from the or directly fund the inexperienced energy through inexperienced power provider.


  • Track 4-1Green Industrial Technology
  • Track 4-2Green energy and social benefits
  • Track 4-3Green Energy in Transport
  • Track 4-4Green Buildings and Infrastructures
  • Track 4-5Green Policies and Programmes
  • Track 4-6Greenhouse gas abatement costs and potentials
  • Track 4-7Green Power
  • Track 4-8Greening Urbanization and Urban Settlements

Many chemical compounds gift in Earth's atmosphere behave as 'greenhouse gases'. These square measure gases which enable direct daylight to succeed in the earth's surface clear. Because the shortwave energy heats the surface, longer-wave (infrared) energy (heat) is reradiated to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases absorb this energy, thereby allowing less heat to flee back to house, and 'trapping' it within the lower atmosphere. Several greenhouse gases occur naturally within the atmosphere, like dioxide, methane, vapor, and laughing gas, whereas others square measure artificial. Those who square measure artificial embody the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) and per fluorocarbons (PFCs), likewise as fluoride (SF6). Region concentrations of each the natural and synthetic gases are raising over the previous few centuries because of the commercial revolution. Because the planet population has hyperbolic and our reliance on fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and natural gas) has been firmly coagulated, thus emissions of those gases have up. Whereas gases like dioxide occur naturally within the atmosphere, through our interference with the carbon cycle, we tend to unnaturally move carbon from solid storage to its gassy state, thereby increasing region concentrations.


Geoscience is that the investigation of the earth which contains seas, environment, waterways and lakes, ice sheets and ice sheets, soils, its mind boggling surface, rough inside, and metallic center. This incorporates varied elements of how living things, including people, communicate with the planet. Geoscience has numerous devices and practices of its own however are personally connected with the organic, concoction, and physical sciences. The Geosciences significant offers a comprehension of the advancement of our planet and it’s communicating worldwide frameworks. Powers within the planet make mountain reaches and ocean bowls and drive the developments of landmasses. The Geosciences office enables understudies to comprehend and value these mind boggling Earth frameworks Geosciences could be a multidisciplinary field that reviews the highlights, procedures and history of the earth. Geoscientists utilize material science, science, arithmetic and processing to comprehend the earth as a characteristic framework. Themes in the field incorporate topography, oil geography, oceanography, meteorology, geophysical science and geochemistry. Two essential subfields of geography are volcanology and seismology. These sciences can help anticipate the dangers and alleviate the impacts of regular risks like tremors, volcanic ejections, tidal waves and avalanches.


  • Track 6-1Geo-visualization
  • Track 6-2Geophysical Modeling and Interpretation
  • Track 6-3Web Mapping
  • Track 6-4Global Navigation Satellite Systems
  • Track 6-5Geographic Information Science
  • Track 6-6Geostatistics
  • Track 6-7Volcanic eruption

Environment is the logical investigation of the collaborations that decide the dispersion and bounty of living beings. Anticipating and keeping up or modifying the circulation and bounty of different life forms are the essential objectives of normal asset administration the viable administration of common biological systems relies upon natural knowledge Ecology is the logical investigation of the connections that decide the dissemination and wealth of living beings. Foreseeing and keeping up or adjusting the dissemination and plenitude of different creatures are the essential objectives of common asset administration the compelling administration of regular biological communities relies upon natural information. An Ecosystem can be as little as a fallen log or as extensive as the sea, contingent upon the scale that the scientist is examining. Biological examinations are sought after without suitable thought of administration suggestions. A biological community can be arranged into its abiotic constituent. Ecology is the logical investigation of the communications that decide the dispersion and bounty of life forms. Foreseeing and keeping up or modifying the dispersion and plenitude of different life forms are the essential objectives of normal asset administration the viable administration of common environments relies upon natural learning. Natural examinations are sought after without suitable thought of administration suggestions. A biological community can be classified into its abiotic constituents, including minerals, atmosphere, soil, water, daylight, and all other nonliving components, and its biotic constituents, comprising of all its living individuals. The biological community idea has its underlying foundations in hypothetical ideas with respect to the association and elements of regular frameworks.


The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is traded among the biosphere, ecosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and air of the Earth. Alongside the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle, the carbon cycle involves a succession of occasions that are vital to making the Earth fit for supporting life; it portrays the development of carbon as it is reused and reused all through the biosphere, including carbon sinks The worldwide carbon spending plan is the adjust of the trades of carbon between the carbon supplies or between one particular circle of the carbon cycle. An examination of the carbon spending plan of a pool or repository can give data about whether the pool or store is working as a source or sink for carbon dioxide. The carbon cycle was at first found by Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier, and promoted by Humphrey Davy Carbon-based atoms are essential for life on Earth, since it is the principle segment of organic mixes. Carbon is additionally a noteworthy segment of numerous minerals. Carbon additionally exists in different structures in the environment.


Current and future climate change necessitates urgent adaptation action, especially in semi-arid regions across Africa and India which are home to millions of people, many of whom are acutely vulnerable to climatic and non-climatic risks. While researchers, practitioners and funders converge to accept the urgency for adaptation, there is less agreement on what this adaptation should entail. What outcomes should adaptation deliver? Which options should be implemented? Who should benefit? Where adaptation should be prioritized? What rules and institutional arrangements should apply? In ASSAR, we examined what ‘effective adaptation’ can mean for different disciplines, perspectives and actors, and explored the implications of these different meanings for adaptation in practice. Our findings are based on a review of the theoretical advances in adaptation and related research, as well as primary case studies across semi-arid Africa and India.


Deforestation, clearing is the evacuation of a woodland or remain of trees where the land is from that point changed over to a non-backwoods utilize. Cases of deforestation incorporate transformation of forestland to ranches, farms, or urban utilize. The most moved deforestation happens in tropical rainforests. Around 30% of Earth's territory surface is secured by woodlands Deforestation happens for different reasons: trees are chopped down to be utilized or sold as fuel or timber, while cleared land is utilized as field for domesticated animals and manor. The evacuation of trees without adequate reforestation has brought about harm to natural surroundings, biodiversity misfortune and aridity. It impact sly affects bio sequestration of environmental carbon dioxide. Deforestation has additionally been utilized as a part of war to deny the foe of cover for its powers furthermore essential assets. Present day cases of this were the utilization of Agent Orange by the British military in Malaya amid the Malayan Emergency and the United States military in Vietnam amid the Vietnam War. Starting 2005, net deforestation rates have stopped to increment in nations with for every capita GDP of in any event US$4,600. Deforested areas commonly bring about critical unfriendly soil disintegration and much of the time debase into no man's land. Somewhere around 2000 and 2012, 2.3 million square kilometers of woodlands around the globe were cut down. As a consequence of deforestation, just 6.2 million square kilometers stay of the first 16 million square kilometers of timberland that previously secured the Earth.


It deals with several features of the assessment of hazard and risk of land sliding. This article presents a summary review and a classification of the main approaches that have been developed world-wide. The first step is the part between qualitative and quantitative methods. The first group is mainly based on the site-specific experience of experts with the susceptibility hazard determined directly in the field or by combining different index maps. The approaches of the second group are formally more rigorous.  It is possible to distinguish between statistical analyses and deterministic methods that involve the analysis of specific sites or slopes based on geo-engineering models. Such analyses can be deterministic or probabilistic. Among the quantitative methods discussed is the Neural Networks approach which has only recently been applied to engineering geology problems. Finally several considerations concerning the concept of acceptable risk and risk management are presented. The seismic hazard is defines as the probabilistic measure of ground shaking associated to reappearance of earthquakes. Seismic hazard maps depicts the stages of chosen ground motions that likely will not, be exceeds in specified exposure times.


  • Track 11-1Risk communications
  • Track 11-2Acceptable risk
  • Track 11-3Sustainable development
  • Track 11-4Resilience
  • Track 11-5Recovery
  • Track 11-6Environmental impact assessment
  • Track 11-7Vulnerability
  • Track 11-8Contingency planning
  • Track 11-9Learning from disasters and man-made disasters
  • Track 11-10Preparedness and training
  • Track 11-11Disaster analysis
  • Track 11-12Multi-hazard risk assessment
  • Track 11-13Human factors
  • Track 11-14Case studies
  • Track 11-15Health risk and disaster psychology
  • Track 11-16Socio-economic issues
  • Track 11-17Community resilience
  • Track 11-18Risk mitigation and security
  • Track 11-19Emergency preparedness
  • Track 11-20Disaster monitoring and mitigation

Natural disaster occurred due to geological disturbances often caused by shifts in tectonic plates and seismic activity. Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves which were caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs. GIS helps to manage the impact of Earthquakes and other disasters by assessing risk and hazard locations in relation to populations, property, and natural resources, Integrating data and enabling understanding of the scope of an emergency to manage an incident and identifying staging area locations, operational branches and divisions, and other important incident management needs. Paleo-seismology, Volcano seismology and infrasound, Tsunamis, Glacier seismicity, Tectonic deformation, Seism tectonics were the related fields to study the intensity of emergency preparedness towards geological disasters.


  • Track 12-1Avalanches and landslides
  • Track 12-2Earthquakes
  • Track 12-3Sinkholes
  • Track 12-4Volcanic eruptions

A violent, sudden and destructive change either in the quality of Earth's water or in the distribution or movement of water on land below the surface or in the atmosphere. A flood is an overflow of water that 'submerges' land. The EU Floods Directive defines a flood as a temporary covering the land with water which is usually not covered by water. In the sense of 'flowing water', the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tides. Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, which overflows, causing some of the water to escape its usual boundaries. While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and snow melt, it is not a significant flood unless the water covers land used by man, like a village, city or other inhabited area, roads, expanses of farmland, etc. A tsunami  also known as a seismic sea wave or as a tidal wave, is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake. Tsunamis can be caused by undersea earthquakes such as the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, or by landslides such as the one in 1958 at Lituya Bay, Alaska, or by volcanic eruptions such as the ancient eruption of Santorini.


  • Track 13-1Floods
  • Track 13-2Tsunami
  • Track 13-3Limnic eruptions

These are hazards caused by extreme weather like rain, drought, snow, extreme heat or cold, ice, or wind. Violent, sudden and to destructive damage the environment affecting the earth’s atmosphere, especially the weather-forming processes.


  • Track 14-1Cyclonic storms
  • Track 14-2Blizzards
  • Track 14-3Hailstorms
  • Track 14-4Ice storms
  • Track 14-5Cold waves
  • Track 14-6Heat waves
  • Track 14-7Droughts
  • Track 14-8Thunderstorms
  • Track 14-9Tornadoes

Wildfires are large fires which often start in wild land areas. Common causes include lightning and drought but wildfires may also be started by human negligence or arson. They can spread to populated areas and can thus be a threat to humans and property, as well as wildlife.


It is defined as man-made or natural harmful conditions. Harmful conditions which cause death, injury, illness, damage to or loss of systems, facilities, equipment or property, damage to the environment. For unmanned systems such as robotic satellites, damages due to non-malicious external causes that translates into degradation or loss of mission. It includes non-voluntary in nature security refers to threats which are voluntary.


  • Track 16-1Impact events and airburst
  • Track 16-2Solar flare

The relationship between natural disasters and communicable diseases is frequently misconstrued. The availability of safe water and sanitation facilities, the degree of crowding, the underlying health status of the population, and the availability of healthcare services all interact within the context of the local disease ecology to influence the risk for communicable diseases and death in the affected population. Risk Factors for Communicable Disease Transmission, Communicable Diseases Associated with Natural Disasters.


  • Track 17-1Surveillance
  • Track 17-2Risk Assessment
  • Track 17-3Communicable diseases, perspective
  • Track 17-4Epidemiology

Disaster risk reduction is the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the affects and factors of disasters. Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property wise management of land and the environment, and improving preparedness and early warning for adverse events are all examples of disaster risk reduction. Disaster Risk Reduction aims to reduce the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through an ethic of prevention. The governments, agencies, organizations, businesses and civil society understand risk and vulnerability, the better equipped they will be to mitigate disaster.


Human-initiated climate change threatens coastal and marine environments through rising in sea-level, evaporation, and changes in climate patterns and water temperatures. The Plastic pollution is one of the major threats to the Ocean and marine activities such as oil platforms and aquaculture. Oceans and climate are indivisibly associated and playing a fundamental part in directing climate change by serving as a major heat and carbon sink. Our oceans are particularly defenseless to the adverse impacts from human emanations of greenhouse gases. Since the growth of Industrial Transformation, mankind has expanded the acidity of our oceans by 30% and has expanded the sum of carbon dioxide in our climate by over 30%-40%, essentially from the burning of fossil fuels. Other human activities have brought about extra major commitments of greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxides. Polar vortex defines climate change.


It makes to gather information on unsafe or out of reach zones. We can monitor deforestation in territories, for example, the amazon Basin, glacial features in Arctic and Antarctic areas, and depth sounding of waterfront and sea profundities. Remote sensors gather information by locating the vitality that is reflected from Earth. These sensors might be on satellites or mounted on air ship. Remote sensors might be either passive or active. Passive sensors react to outside jolts. They record radiation that is reflected from Earth's surface. It represents Radio meters, Photo meters, RADAR, LIDAR, Hyper spectral imaging. Space probes to other planets have also provided the opportunity to conduct remote sensing studies in extraterrestrial environments, synthetic aperture radar.


  • Track 20-1Radiometric correction and resolution
  • Track 20-2Topographic correction
  • Track 20-3Remote sensing software
  • Track 20-4Spatial resolution

Environmental toxicology deals with the adverse effects of environmental toxicants on health and the environment. Environmental toxicants are agents released into the overall environment that can cause adverse effects on health. The word “health” here refers to not only social health but also the health of animals and plants. The study of environmental toxicology stems from the recognition that Human survival depends upon the well-being of other species and upon the availability of clean air, water and food and Anthropogenic chemicals as well as naturally occurring chemicals can have detrimental effects on existing organisms and ecological processes. Environmental toxicology is thus concerned with how environmental toxicants, through their contact with humans, animals, and plants, influence the health and welfare of these organisms.


The set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately and in sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm or loss.  An earthquake warning system is a system of accelerometers, seismometers, communication, computers, and alarms that is devised for regional notification of a substantial earthquake while it is in progress.


  • Track 22-1Transit safety
  • Track 22-2Web Mapping
  • Track 22-3Spatial Decision Support Systems